Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reason #4 NOT to vote for Pres Obama: Excuse Me, Is Your “Obama Phone” Ringing?

One of the charges that show up on your phone bill (or if its a pay-as-you go , when you add minutes) is the "Federal Universal Service Charge."  Call it a consumer tax.  Or call it a fee.  It is money that the Federal government is getting from you and I and uses to give other people free "Obama Phones."

If you don't believe it, I understand. I did not believe it either.  So I did my own research and this is what I found.

There is indeed a Federally-funded program that is called ObamaPhone.  It puts a free pre-paid cell phone into the hands of qualified applicants with 250 free minutes.  And the program is named after the sitting President of the United States, so it essentially a built-in campaign advertisement.

The Federal Universal Service Charge was not always an ObamaPhone fee.  It predates Pres. Obama by about 12 years. Congress passed the Telecommunication Act of 1996, which prompted the Federal Communications Commission to establish the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) in 1997 to comply with the regulation.  The basic idea is that telecommunication companies pay into the USF the money received from Universal Service Charge.  Ultimately the money comes from  consumers.  Originally intended to ensure that remote communities have access to telecommunications, under the Obama Administration, the money is funding free ObamaPhones.

If you are skeptical, go to and see for yourself.  

Reason #3 NOT to Vote for Pres. Obama

President Obama's trampling of the fond memory of Horatio Alger, Jr.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Reason # 2 to NOT vote for President Obama: Because BHO and the New Democrats Are the Real Reactionaries

They used to call conservatives knee-jerk reactionaries, but it appears that the irrationality and truly reactive behavior is coming from the American Left, which seems to be at war with some pretty fundamental tenets of human civilization.  The most fundemental of these rights is the sanctity of human life.

Some examples of Obama's anti-life agenda:

  • In December 2008, the BHO transition team published a "wish-list" from pro-abortion groups of the policy changes they'd like to see.
  • On January 22, 2009, BHO issued a statement celebrating the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.
  • On January 23, 2009, BHO overturned the Mexico City Policy, freeing up Federal taxpayer funds for pro-abortion groups.
  • On February 3, 2009, BHO nominated porn-industry lawyer David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.  Ogden had previously argued that girls as young as 14 need not have parental notification to get an abortion.
  • On March 15, 2009, BHO invited Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, and other pro-abortion groups to attend a health care reform summit.  No groups which advocate for either conscience protections or for pro-life approaches to medicine were invited.
  • On April 22, 2009, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton testifies before Congress that the Obama Administration is committed to the view that reproductive health includes the right to abort and that other country's pro-life laws need to be overturned.
  • On the same day, BHO's FDA issues an order making the abortifacient Plan B ("morning after pill") available to 17-year old girls without either a prescription or parental consent.
  • In December 2011, BHO announced that the U.S. will begin promoting a gay rights agenda overseas.
  • On February 11, 2011, BHO rolled-back conscience protections for health care workers.
  • On April 9, 2011, a budget deal retained Federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Subsequent attempts to defund Planned Parenthood earn Obama veto threat.
  • Augsut 31, 2011: HHS refused to rescind or substantially modify its restrictive mandate forcing religious entities to pay for contraception and abortifacients.  Not only is the HHS mandate ant-life, it forces religous organizations to pay for drugs/procedures in violation of its conscience in clear violation of the First Amendment. 
  • September 2011, BHO Admin ignores will of New Hampshire legislatures and gives Fed funds to NH Planned Parenthood.
  • October 7, 2011: BHO affirms support for HHS mandate.
  • Also in December 2011, BHO's HHS announced it would soon make the Plan B available for over-the-counter sales, meaning anyone of any age could purchase the drug.
  • January 23, 2012: BHO declares and praises Constitutional "right" to have an abortion despite utter absence of any such right from the Constitution or its Amendments.
  • February 1, 2012: BHO Admin declares there are no Constitutional problems with the HHS mandate despite specific language of the First Amendment... 

'Nuff said.

102 Days Before Presidential Election

And there are  at least 102 reasons NOT to vote for President Obama. This is reason #1 (Note: Reasons are not listed in any particular order):

Reason #1 NOT to vote for President Barack Obama: President Obama’s opposition to voter identification is a reason not to vote for him. In every other sphere of our lives, ID cards are considered not just okay, but desirable and even necessary. The Obama Administration would have us believe that voter identification is inherently discriminatory when in every other sphere of life identification is ...not discriminatory: They check identification at the pharmacy, the doctor’s office, courthouses, Federal buildings, military bases, when picking up mail at the post office, at colleges, at the gym, etc. Are we to conclude that this is discrimination as well?

The “Obamacare” plan includes a national health identification card which is also not deemed to be discriminatory.

So why the opposition to voter ID?

The state of Indiana has been criticized by the Obama Administration for having a voter identification law, although the State of Indiana offers voter identification cards free-of-charge to citizens who don’t already have a state driver’s license or a state-issued identification card. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Indiana’s law April 28, 2008 (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board) and 6 out of the 9 justices said voter ID was not discriminatory: “Because Indiana’s cards are free, the inconvenience of going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, gathering required documents, and posing for a photograph does not qualify as a substantial burden on most voters’ right to vote, or represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting.”

I repeat: The Supreme Court already ruled on the legality and non-discriminatory nature of the Indiana law. It was a non-partisan 6:3 vote. The Obama Admin doesn't like the ruling so is acting as though it didn't happen in opposing similar plans elsewhere.

The Supreme Court’s non-partisan, 6 to 3 ruling is common sense. Cross-referencing a form of ID w/ names on the voter list is no different than what the NAACP did the other day to those entering its convention.

P.S. The Texas Secretary of State's website outlines the voter registration process which is pretty much on par with other state's procedures except at the end of the process you receive a voter registration card which actually gets cross-referenced when you show up to vote. How easy is that?