Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reason #4 NOT to vote for Pres Obama: Excuse Me, Is Your “Obama Phone” Ringing?

One of the charges that show up on your phone bill (or if its a pay-as-you go , when you add minutes) is the "Federal Universal Service Charge."  Call it a consumer tax.  Or call it a fee.  It is money that the Federal government is getting from you and I and uses to give other people free "Obama Phones."

If you don't believe it, I understand. I did not believe it either.  So I did my own research and this is what I found.

There is indeed a Federally-funded program that is called ObamaPhone.  It puts a free pre-paid cell phone into the hands of qualified applicants with 250 free minutes.  And the program is named after the sitting President of the United States, so it essentially a built-in campaign advertisement.

The Federal Universal Service Charge was not always an ObamaPhone fee.  It predates Pres. Obama by about 12 years. Congress passed the Telecommunication Act of 1996, which prompted the Federal Communications Commission to establish the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) in 1997 to comply with the regulation.  The basic idea is that telecommunication companies pay into the USF the money received from Universal Service Charge.  Ultimately the money comes from  consumers.  Originally intended to ensure that remote communities have access to telecommunications, under the Obama Administration, the money is funding free ObamaPhones.

If you are skeptical, go to and see for yourself.  

Reason #3 NOT to Vote for Pres. Obama

President Obama's trampling of the fond memory of Horatio Alger, Jr.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Reason # 2 to NOT vote for President Obama: Because BHO and the New Democrats Are the Real Reactionaries

They used to call conservatives knee-jerk reactionaries, but it appears that the irrationality and truly reactive behavior is coming from the American Left, which seems to be at war with some pretty fundamental tenets of human civilization.  The most fundemental of these rights is the sanctity of human life.

Some examples of Obama's anti-life agenda:

  • In December 2008, the BHO transition team published a "wish-list" from pro-abortion groups of the policy changes they'd like to see.
  • On January 22, 2009, BHO issued a statement celebrating the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.
  • On January 23, 2009, BHO overturned the Mexico City Policy, freeing up Federal taxpayer funds for pro-abortion groups.
  • On February 3, 2009, BHO nominated porn-industry lawyer David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.  Ogden had previously argued that girls as young as 14 need not have parental notification to get an abortion.
  • On March 15, 2009, BHO invited Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, and other pro-abortion groups to attend a health care reform summit.  No groups which advocate for either conscience protections or for pro-life approaches to medicine were invited.
  • On April 22, 2009, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton testifies before Congress that the Obama Administration is committed to the view that reproductive health includes the right to abort and that other country's pro-life laws need to be overturned.
  • On the same day, BHO's FDA issues an order making the abortifacient Plan B ("morning after pill") available to 17-year old girls without either a prescription or parental consent.
  • In December 2011, BHO announced that the U.S. will begin promoting a gay rights agenda overseas.
  • On February 11, 2011, BHO rolled-back conscience protections for health care workers.
  • On April 9, 2011, a budget deal retained Federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Subsequent attempts to defund Planned Parenthood earn Obama veto threat.
  • Augsut 31, 2011: HHS refused to rescind or substantially modify its restrictive mandate forcing religious entities to pay for contraception and abortifacients.  Not only is the HHS mandate ant-life, it forces religous organizations to pay for drugs/procedures in violation of its conscience in clear violation of the First Amendment. 
  • September 2011, BHO Admin ignores will of New Hampshire legislatures and gives Fed funds to NH Planned Parenthood.
  • October 7, 2011: BHO affirms support for HHS mandate.
  • Also in December 2011, BHO's HHS announced it would soon make the Plan B available for over-the-counter sales, meaning anyone of any age could purchase the drug.
  • January 23, 2012: BHO declares and praises Constitutional "right" to have an abortion despite utter absence of any such right from the Constitution or its Amendments.
  • February 1, 2012: BHO Admin declares there are no Constitutional problems with the HHS mandate despite specific language of the First Amendment... 

'Nuff said.

102 Days Before Presidential Election

And there are  at least 102 reasons NOT to vote for President Obama. This is reason #1 (Note: Reasons are not listed in any particular order):

Reason #1 NOT to vote for President Barack Obama: President Obama’s opposition to voter identification is a reason not to vote for him. In every other sphere of our lives, ID cards are considered not just okay, but desirable and even necessary. The Obama Administration would have us believe that voter identification is inherently discriminatory when in every other sphere of life identification is ...not discriminatory: They check identification at the pharmacy, the doctor’s office, courthouses, Federal buildings, military bases, when picking up mail at the post office, at colleges, at the gym, etc. Are we to conclude that this is discrimination as well?

The “Obamacare” plan includes a national health identification card which is also not deemed to be discriminatory.

So why the opposition to voter ID?

The state of Indiana has been criticized by the Obama Administration for having a voter identification law, although the State of Indiana offers voter identification cards free-of-charge to citizens who don’t already have a state driver’s license or a state-issued identification card. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Indiana’s law April 28, 2008 (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board) and 6 out of the 9 justices said voter ID was not discriminatory: “Because Indiana’s cards are free, the inconvenience of going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, gathering required documents, and posing for a photograph does not qualify as a substantial burden on most voters’ right to vote, or represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting.”

I repeat: The Supreme Court already ruled on the legality and non-discriminatory nature of the Indiana law. It was a non-partisan 6:3 vote. The Obama Admin doesn't like the ruling so is acting as though it didn't happen in opposing similar plans elsewhere.

The Supreme Court’s non-partisan, 6 to 3 ruling is common sense. Cross-referencing a form of ID w/ names on the voter list is no different than what the NAACP did the other day to those entering its convention.

P.S. The Texas Secretary of State's website outlines the voter registration process which is pretty much on par with other state's procedures except at the end of the process you receive a voter registration card which actually gets cross-referenced when you show up to vote. How easy is that?

Monday, June 25, 2012

BHO's deific powers have faded away...

The words of Isaiah 14:11-16 ff. apply to all wannabe deities: Satan, the Babylonian kings, and President Barack Hussein Obama:

Down to Sheol your pomp is brought...How you have fallen from the heavens...How you have been cut down to the earth, you who conquered [or deceived] nations! In your heart you said: “I will scale the heavens; Above the stars of God [the heavenly hosts of angels] I will set up my throne...I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will be like the Most High!” No! Down to Sheol you will be brought to the depths of the pit! When they see you they will stare, pondering over you: “Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms?..."
On January 7, 2008, BHO actually said that "I am going to try to be so who are still wavering...will suddenly come to the conclusion: a light beam will shine through, will light you up, and you will experience an epiphany:  I have to vote for Barack!" Folks, you cannot make this stuff up. 

Always eager to outdo his own arrogance, the communist demagogue known as Barack stated on June 3, 2008, "...generations from now we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs for the jobless. This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..."

The Wall Street Journal estimated that when labor force particpation rate is accounted for, we have a current unemployment rate of about 12% nationally. Where are the jobs for the jobless BHO was referring to?

Today's wacked-out BostonGlob alleges that the sea levels are rising.  They must have forgotten that their messiah, BHO said he'd reverse all that.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

...Because he is one...

"Foundations once destroyed, what can the just do?" (Ps. 11)

Samantha Power is part of BHO's National Security Council-she hates Israel/luvs PLO, and even said that the USA brought terrorism upon self.  OK. Is there anyone who thinks that BHO really doesn't want a nuclear Iran?  Is there anyone who really thinks BHO is a friend to Israel?  He is not.  BHO chose a Leftist who seeks the destruction of Israel b/c he shares the same radical Leftist sympathies. 

Donald Berwick was a recess pick w/in Medicare & Medicaid Services.  It may not seem like an Anti-Israeli Socialist like Berwick can do much damage there, but time will tell.  BHO chose one b/c he is one.
Mark Lloyd-BHO Diversity Chief of the FCC who is a fan of Hugo Chavez and seeks to curtail conservative talk radio. BHO chose a Marxist who emulates freedom crushing dictators who favor the nationalization of private enterprise b/c BHO shares the same sympathies. 

Talk about a closet Hugo Chavez fan: Ron Bloom is a socialist seeking both a nationalized healthcare & energy sector.  BHO made him a so-called Car Czar and manufacturing Czar. BHO chose a Marxist in favor of nationalization of industry b/c he is one as well.

Valerie Jarrett-Marxist–Sr. Advisor for Public Engagement & Intergovernmental Affairs-pal of Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn. BHO chose a Marxist b/c he is one.
John Holdren-BHO Science Czar-for forced abortions & international police force to save planet earth. BHO chose a Leftist b/c he is one.

Anita Dunn-communist–hand-picked by BHO for role as White House Communications Director in '09. BHO chose a Marxist b/c he is one too.

Carol Browner-Asst to BHO for Energy and Climate Change-former Socialist International Commissioner-BHO hired a socialist b/c he is one.

Van Jones-admitted communist was hand-picked for a position in Obama’s White House in ’09. BHO chose a Marxist b/c he is one.

Not too many days ago, BHO awarded Dolores Huerta, a "Democratic Socialist of America," the Medal of Freedom! His 2008 "Yes We Can" Slogan came from her. BHO was at a minimum a supporter if not a member of DSA in '96. BHO awards Socialists medals 'cause he is one.

BHO was always for same-sex marriage.  See, for example, Presidential Memos dated 6/17 &10/8/09; 4/15 & 6/2/10; 5/31 & 12/6/11, as well as his 2/23/11 reversal to stop defending a law passed by Congress, the Defense of Marriage Act. Why advance policies contrary to Christian values? BHO advances secular humanist-moral relativist values b/c he is one!  

Kevin Jennings-militant gay founder of GLSEN-pro gay sex ed how-to site & BHO's Asst Dep Sec of Ed b/c BHO was always for gay marriage.

Oh. one more thing.  BHO perjured himself re gay-marriage. BHO in 96:"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages...would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pray that God will Bless America

Ammunition purchases.  At first I thought the talk-radio comments regarding massive ammunition purchases by the civilian branches of the Federal government were exaggerated.  The news had alleged that defense contractor ATK was supplying the Department of Homeland Security with 450 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years.  (As one blogger pointed out, the hollow point ammo is not just armor penetrating, it causes maximum tissue damage upon impact.) 

The trepidation of some at this news is within a context of an Obama Administration that has ignored violence perpetrated by Black Nationalists such as the New Black Panther Party, or by Occupy members, but has looked askance at peaceful and law-abiding Tea Party activists.  When I conducted my own research and looked at the public record of purchases, I was shocked to find the news was true and that indeed it was the tip of a much bigger iceberg.  Over the past two-plus years, Obama’s non-military Executive Branch agencies have been buying up more ammunition than could reasonably expected to be used:

·        On 5/21/10- Department of Homeland Security, $26,000 in ammunition.

·        On 8/23/10- Department of Homeland Security, $96,000 in “special bonded JHP” ammunition.

·        8/25/10- Department of Homeland Security, $86,000 in “308 caliber bonded core” ammo.

·        On 9/15/10- Department of Veterans Affairs, $1,277,000 in fire arms.

·        On 9/29/10- The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, $52,000 in ammo.

·        On 1/25/11-National Park Service issues a solicitation for tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

·        On 3/29/11-The Fish and Wildlife Service issues a solicitation for tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

·        On 8/17/11-The Department of Homeland Security issues a solicitation for tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.  Award dated 9/26/11.

·        On 8/30/11-The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, issues a solicitation for small arms, and on 9/15/11, purchased $133,000 in ammunition and on 9/23/11, purchased $109,000 in ammunition.

·        On 11/15/11, the FBI issued a solicitation for up to 100 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition! 

What is going on?  What exactly are they preparing for?  Does it have anything to do with the fact that the Obama Administration is essentially comprised of stealth Bolsheviks who are seeking to radically transform America into a Communist Dystopia, by any means necessary?

Pray that the Leftist regime of Barrack Hussein Obama will honor the results of a free and fair election.  Let us hope and pray that by January 2013, the Leftist regime of Barack Hussein Obama will have been peacefully expelled from power by the majority valid electorate of the United States.  But let us also become increasingly sober and aware of the threat to our country posed not only from without, but also from within. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Numerous Reasons Exist to Vote Against Obama—Here are just a few of them…

·        He thinks he is above the law.  For example, in the case of Crawfordv. Marion County Election Board the Supreme Court held an Indiana law mandating photo identification at the voting booth to be constitutional—“Because Indiana’s cards are free, the inconvenience of going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, gathering required documents, and posing for a photograph does not qualify as a substantial burden on most voters’ right to vote, or represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting.”  Incidentally, the other day I went to the liquor store to buy a six-pack of beer, and had to show my license.  In the past, I have had to show a photo ID in order to cash a check at the bank.  In either instance, was an unfair burden imposed on me, due to age or gender, or race?  So why not show proof of who I am in order to vote?  The SCOTUS got the decision right in Crawford v. Marion County ElectionBoard.  But President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder disagree, and have chosen to ignore the SCOTUS decision. 

·        On 3/12/12, the Obama Administration blocked a voter identification law passed by the Texas legislature in May 2011 on the grounds that it violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Curiously though, the Texas law is similar to Indiana’s law which the SCOTUS upheld.  The Obama Justice Department argument, as articulated by Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez is that “Hispanic registered voters are more than twice as likely as non-Hispanic registered voters to lack such identification.”  Apparently, Obama and Holder think the task of obtaining a state-issued picture ID card is an undue burden on Hispanics.  But isn’t this a rather patronizingly racist conclusion, apart from the fact that have chosen to simply ignore Crawford?  Incidentally, Obama’s Justice officials are apparently bad at basic mathematics because Justice Department statistics show that only 6.3% of Hispanics registered to vote lack a driver’s license, versus 4.3% of non-Hispanics.  (See: Wall Street Journal article)  This 2% variance is statistically insignificant by the governments own standards for showing adverse impact. (See for example the U.S. Department of Labor-adverse impact.)

·        The Obama Administration has effectively prevented voter integrity in Texas.  They could have intervened in May 2011, but they waited until well into the 2012 election cycle to block the Texas law.  Why?  Because the chances are good that the 2012 elections will come and go before the Federal courts have a chance to render a decision.  What about other states? 

·       In December 2011, Holder’s Justice Department used the same provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to block a South Carolina law.  In South Carolina, 8% of registered white voters were said to lack photo identification versus 10% of non-white registered voters.  This 2% disparity is too small to constitute adverse impact using the standards set by over 40-years of Federal jurisprudence—2-standard deviations, the 4/5ths rule, etc.  But Holder’s Justice Department (a) does not seem to care what the statistical standard is for proving adverse impact, or (b) what the SCOTUS has already ruled in similar cases, or (c) what common sense would dictate in a world where photo-identification is required in numerous other contexts, mandated by law, and not deemed discriminatory. 

·        It saddens me, having spent a significant part of my career remedying real cases of discrimination to discover that Obama and Holder are making a mockery of anti-discrimination law by essentially race-baiting for political gain.  Much of what is going on is a concerted effort by the Obama Administration to give cover to rampant voter fraud in the 2012 elections.  Have you ever heard of the term swamping?  Swamping is when organizations conducting voter registration drives literally swamp “election officials with overwhelming numbers of registrations at the last possible minute, a huge proportion of which are deliberately fraudulent, in order to create systematic chaos.”  The benefits of this strategy are “multifold,” especially when Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder and the Justice Department are siding with the perpetrators of this fraud—ACORN and its affiliate organizations.

·        The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or ACORN was centrally organized until 2010, in which it became more of a network ofaffiliates under different names after getting in trouble for perpetrating rampant voter fraud as well as playing a significant role in the subprime housing bubble.   

·        Obama has maintained close ties with ACORN for over 20 years.  (See National Review article in addition to the above) From 1992 to 1996, Obama was a trainer at ACORN “leadership training sessions.”  In 2008 his presidential campaign donated “$800,000 to ACORN to help with voter registration.”  ACORN founded a spin-off group called “Project Vote” which creatively registers new voters, including fraudulent and double-voters.

·        ACORN maintains close affiliations with Obama and the Democratic Party.  As noted above, swamping makes “verification of registrations” virtually impossible, “given the small size and limited budgets of state and local election offices.”  And when/if “election officials challenge registrations, they are accused of ‘voter suppression’ ” which is often paired up with accusations of racism.  Sound familiar?  ACORN and its progeny organizations use the media as well as lawsuits to “intimidate election officials, who settle on terms favorable to the Left.”  Because Holder’s Justice Department supports these very same voter intimidation tactics, sues states who attempt to prevent voter fraud, “backs private lawsuits, and resists reform as ‘voter suppression’,” ACORN and company have the upper hand. 

·        How much of Obama’s victory in 2008 could have been attributed to fraudulent votes?  According to MatthewVadum, the senior editor at Capital Research Center, a total of 400,000 bogus ACORN registrations were thrown out in 2008 alone.  ACORN was supposedly disbanded in 2010 but resurrected itself under a number of new names.  As Accuracy in the Media recently reported, “Former ACORN President Bertha Lewis bragged that they created ‘…18 bulletproof community-organizing Frankensteins…’ ”

·        CBS news reported on 2/11/09 that “ACORN…has registered thousands of people to vote in Democratic districts.  Some of these supposed voters reportedly are dead, nonexistent, or use storefronts as their home addresses.” A CNN investigation cited by the CBS newsreport had found that 2,100 voter registrations of 5,000 evaluated werefraudulent: “Registered to a dead person, registered as a person who lives at a fast-food shop…” and “amazingly” numerous forms filed out by the same person—“All the signatures look exactly the same. Everything on the card filled out looks just the same.”  ACORN’s former deputy regional director, Amy Busefink was convicted in 2010 of vote fraud.  While Busefink was under criminal indictment in this case, she “managed an online program for Project Vote’s 2010 Colorado campaign” which allowed people without driver’s license or other forms of identification to “register to vote online.”  Sounds like a shoe-in for Holder’s Justice Department.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Abortion Culture Must End

We have been talking about the Bill of Rights an Democrat antipathy towards it. How quickly they are all piling onto the effort to trash the Bill of Rights, and redefine "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech."
But the most fundamental right had already been trampled upon--now over 40 years. That is, the right to life.
I am under the belief that America is something special. You know, this may seem like an antiquated idea to many people. But I am convinced most citizens still love America. The country we love is on the brink of becoming something unrecognizable.
Probably the worst turning point came when we failed to recognize the God-given, inherent rights of all human life. The foundational document of American Democracy before the Constitution and before the Articles of Confederation was the Declaration of Independence, which held “self-evident” that all human beings were created equal in dignity by God, and were endowed by God with “inalienable rights” among which was the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
But if we vote Democrat we are saying, "Kill more innocent and defenseless human beings." If we vote for Obama, we are saying "Kill more innocent defenseless human beings."

For 40 years we have killed innocent human life by the millions. Life which our own intellect can readily discern to be human—the genetic evidence alone is incontrovertible.
In America, we kill human beings. We try to rationalize the convenience of discarding unwanted human life as though it was a disease, or a tissue, yet these are human beings. We even experiment upon them.
And if you are a Democrat today, you are in favor of Federal spending to encourage more killing and experimentation on human beings. You probably, paradoxically, would not condone such treatment of any other species of animal on the planet: But human beings are fair game.
Those who argue for the right to abort at will—Could you please attempt to define what it is to be a human being? Go ahead—what is your definition? Have you given it any thought at all? Can you really come up with a rationale for abortion that does not involve the taking of an innocent human life? Is this a knee-jerk reaction, an emotional response, or a carefully thought out policy position on your part? Can you defend it? And if you cannot, ought not you reconsider your position?
They used to call conservatives knee-jerk reactionaries, but it appears that the irrationality and truly reactive behavior is coming from the American Left, which seems to be at war with some pretty fundamental tenets of human civilization: (a) Sanctity of human life, (b) marriage and human sexuality, and (c) the family unit as the building block of civilization.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Peoples Rights Amendment: Absurd But Still Dangerous

If four years ago, a suggestion that the First Amendment right protecting religious freedom would be trampled upon by a future Obama Administration, would have been ridiculed as absurd.  But it happened.  Obama's HHS mandates (will soon) compel religious organizations to pay for services whether they violate the organization's teachings or not.

Now there is a Democrat-sponsored Peoples Rights Amendment which would reinterpret the entire Bill of Rights to exclude the freedoms of speech, petition, assembly, etc. to associations of citizens.  It is not hyperbole to say, as Eugene Volokh recently blogged, "if the People’s Rights Amendment were enacted, Congress would have an entirely free hand to censor what is published in newspapers organized as corporations, what is published by book publishers organized as corporations, what is created by movie studios that are organized as corporations, what is distributed by music companies that are organized as corporations, and so on."  One additional point, many Catholic service organizations, dioceses, and other religious denominations are organized as corporations.  They too would be subject to being silenced and censored by an incresingly beligerant state. 

The United States of America is on the verge of becoming something unrecognizable--a socialist dystopia.   

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Democratic Party Vs. The U.S. Constitution

This will have to be just the start of a series, because this story gets more absurd with each passing day. The Democrats hate democracy--true democracy--and seem determined to chip away at free speech.

There is a current push underway in Congress for the so-called “People’s Rights Amendment” (PRA) which would define persons protected under the Constitution to be “natural persons” and not “corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities.” Missing from the language of the proposed bill is reference to unions, NGOs or other associations, and it is unclear that the term “other corporate entities” would include them. It is also ironic that these Leftists don’t regard human fetuses as “natural persons,” until the double litmus test of (a) live birth and (b) the child’s being wanted by the mother has been met.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-of course), from Massachusetts (sadly enough), has already been endorsed by minority leader Nancy Pelosi. Section 1 states: “We the people who ordain and establish this Constitution intend the rights protected by this Constitution to be the rights of natural persons.” Natural persons goes undefined. But Section 2 states, “The words people, person, or citizen as used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities established by the laws of any State, the United States or any foreign state..."

What comes next is revealing of the true motives of this Bill's sponsors: Socialism. Freedom of Speech is a target but so is the right to free enterprise. Look at what the actual text of the bill states.

“...and such corporate entities are subject to such regulation as the people, through their elected State and Federal representatives, deem reasonable and are otherwise consistent with the powers of Congress and the States under this Constitution.”

Denying associations of citizens from exercising the freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution is tantamount to denying the individual their rights to free association, and could involve the denial of freedom of speech and press, as well as denial of religious liberty. The structure of many if not most Church organizations is that of a corporation. Were the PRA to become law, it could involve an explicit denial of liberty to the Church. This would be a radical departure from the traditional interpretation of the applicability of the Bill of Rights to not just citizens acting alone, but citizens united as a body (the etymology of the words corporate and corporation refer to this--L. corporare=to form into a body, and corpus=body.)

To be continued...