Saturday, May 12, 2012

Abortion Culture Must End

We have been talking about the Bill of Rights an Democrat antipathy towards it. How quickly they are all piling onto the effort to trash the Bill of Rights, and redefine "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech."
But the most fundamental right had already been trampled upon--now over 40 years. That is, the right to life.
I am under the belief that America is something special. You know, this may seem like an antiquated idea to many people. But I am convinced most citizens still love America. The country we love is on the brink of becoming something unrecognizable.
Probably the worst turning point came when we failed to recognize the God-given, inherent rights of all human life. The foundational document of American Democracy before the Constitution and before the Articles of Confederation was the Declaration of Independence, which held “self-evident” that all human beings were created equal in dignity by God, and were endowed by God with “inalienable rights” among which was the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
But if we vote Democrat we are saying, "Kill more innocent and defenseless human beings." If we vote for Obama, we are saying "Kill more innocent defenseless human beings."

For 40 years we have killed innocent human life by the millions. Life which our own intellect can readily discern to be human—the genetic evidence alone is incontrovertible.
In America, we kill human beings. We try to rationalize the convenience of discarding unwanted human life as though it was a disease, or a tissue, yet these are human beings. We even experiment upon them.
And if you are a Democrat today, you are in favor of Federal spending to encourage more killing and experimentation on human beings. You probably, paradoxically, would not condone such treatment of any other species of animal on the planet: But human beings are fair game.
Those who argue for the right to abort at will—Could you please attempt to define what it is to be a human being? Go ahead—what is your definition? Have you given it any thought at all? Can you really come up with a rationale for abortion that does not involve the taking of an innocent human life? Is this a knee-jerk reaction, an emotional response, or a carefully thought out policy position on your part? Can you defend it? And if you cannot, ought not you reconsider your position?
They used to call conservatives knee-jerk reactionaries, but it appears that the irrationality and truly reactive behavior is coming from the American Left, which seems to be at war with some pretty fundamental tenets of human civilization: (a) Sanctity of human life, (b) marriage and human sexuality, and (c) the family unit as the building block of civilization.


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